Sustainable textile furnishing materials like our Premier and WoodGrain products (FilaSorb™ polyester felt) can help contribute to LEED points under USGBC’s worldwide LEED standards. Specifying our product can help meet your green building goals.

LEED Credit


Our Contribution

  • MR Material Ingredients
    Option 1: Material Ingredient Reporting
    FilaSorb™ has achieved Living Building Challenge, Declare Label Certification, Red List Free
  • MR Sourcing of Raw Material
    Recycled Content
    Our FilaSorb products are manufactured using a minimum of 60% post-consumer recycled materials.
  • MR Sourcing of Raw Material
    Calculated percentage of material extracted locally.
    Our products are Manufactured and Assembled in Auburn Hills, MI. Produced in Thailand.
  • EQ Low Emitting Materials
    Meet California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Standard Method v1.1 – 2020 or v1.2 – 2017 for low emitting materials.
    Our product meets SCS Indoor Advantage Gold Certification for Indoor Air Quality
  • EQ Low Emitting Materials
    Low VOC Content
    Our product contains less than/equal to .50 mg/m3
  • EQ Acoustic Performance
    Meet Sound Transmission and/or Reverberation time
    Our product is intended to reduce noise.
